Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So, when is the rain? – Daily iPhone Photograph #83

The lilacs are starting to bloom. Usually that means we are in for rain until the 
lovely purple flowers rot on the bush.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Retro He-She – Daily iPhone Photograph #81

I love my boy so much.

Meet Teaks

Teaks is one of our kitties.

We originally just called her "the kitten". She had shown up one winter day, very scared and hungry. Just touching the door handle made her take off running, low to the ground, just a black and white blur. God forbid she say you looking out a window at her. Complete terror in her little face, and then she was off again, as fast as she could to hide.

She learned where we left the food we put out for the stray cats, and eventually she learned to hide and scream at us when we were outside, telling us she needed food.

Finally in the winter of 2009/2010 she made friends with a stray cat (we call him Smokey. We do our best for him as well. He is a very sweet, but standoffish cat. He is very special, as he seems to know when another cat needs caring for and he takes the roll as needed). She started sleeping with him in a make-shift shelter we built and eating with him. But the spring of 2010 he was able to teach her that we were not a threat. She stopped running from us. Eventually we were able to touch her lightly, then pet her, then pick her up.

Because of how small she is and how she had far more issues with the other stray/feral/neighborhood cats we made of point of catching her. And now she's one of ours.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Popcorn and a Movie – Daily iPhone Photograph #80

Watched Tangled this evening. I don't tend to be a fan of the Disney re-tellings of
classic Faierie Tales, but I enjoyed this one.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Take-a-way Cake – Daily iPhone Photograph #79

Cake is good. Take-a-way even better. Fancy, take-a-way cake, awesome.
Well it is at 11 in the evening, anyway.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

We'll soon have Poppies – Daily iPhone Photograph #78

I love how Poppies look before they bloom. I always felt they look as though they are a
plant from an alien world. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I ♥ Tulips – Daily iPhone Photograph #77

It's true, I do ...

Angry Lelu – Daily iPhone Photograph #76

Taken and added to DailyBooth on Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lelu was very angry with me when I took this. I guess she is the jealous type...

...this is what she was angry about. An abandoned new born kitten I found in the currant bushes.

It's a whole traumatizing story I don't have time to retell at the moment. By the way.
I'm holding her very gently, despite how it may look.

Pisces – Daily iPhone Photograph #75

Taken and added to DailyBooth on Monday, May 23, 2011

Description of someone born under the zodiac sign Pisces.

Pear Blossoms – Daily iPhone Photograph #74

Taken and added to DailyBooth on Sunday, May 22, 2011

It was a very beautiful day. Looked like spring, but felt like winter. 8°C when I took took this.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nighty, Night – Daily iPhone Photograph #69

I was actually already asleep and woke remembering I had to take my photo for today. 

I'm still sick and so tired.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bugger Off – Daily iPhone Photograph #67

I truly believe that in his little cat brain he was telling me off.

Really he just wanted to bond, not be the subject of my photo.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Outside? – Daily iPhone Photograph #66

I forced myself outside to capture this shot of these pretty blue wild flowers.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sleeping – Daily iPhone Photograph #65

I'm still so sick. Day five and the symptoms seem to change everyday.

Still so tired that I'm not putting much effort into the daily photographs.

I do like this one, she's so peaceful sleeping. That's where I'm going right now.

Tissue – Daily iPhone Photograph #64

First off, this is being posted a day late. I took this photo last night, uploaded it to daily booth, then came to blogger to post here - and well blogger wasn't available. I was so sick I didn't even care, just went to bed.

But here it is now, in all it's creative glory. A tissue. It's a clean one, still in the box. It was the closest thing to me. So there you have it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So Sick and Tired – Daily iPhone Photograph #63

I'm so sick and tired that I didn't put much effort into this this evening. I just photographed
the object that was closest to me - my headphones.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Grass is Green – Daily iPhone Photograph #62

I'm still feeling unwell, but I had to get out and get some fresh air. Unfortunately, the fresh air included lots of rain. Rain that has not stopped in days. When the sun finally does come out, we're going to be living in a jungle.

Monday, May 9, 2011

CrissCross – Daily iPhone Photograph #61

I've been sick all day. It limited my photo object choices. 

This is a napkin. 

Yes a napkin. 

It involved me not moving, and that made me happy.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Night Before the Super Moon

I shot some video of the Moon the night before the "Super Moon".

I didn't actually get to shoot any video of the "Super Moon" as for a good portion of the night there was too much cloud cover.

More than a Weed – Daily iPhone Photograph #60

I love dandelions. I know that the majority of people look at them as the bane of an outstanding
lawn. I however smile when I see a field that is a full blown sea of yellow/orange.

Also, it doesn't hurt that they are a ubiquitous food source. You never know when the zombie
apocalypse will hit. As long as it hits during spring, we're all set.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Night is Coming – Daily iPhone Photograph #58

Actually it's already here.

I took this around 8.40 pm. You can just barely see the sliver of a the moon that is out
tonight, and on the right a small flock of birds heading home.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rain Drops On My Window – Daily iPhone Photograph #57

I don't hate it when it rains. I actually quite like the rain, it's just... it would be nice to have
some sun too.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teenage Pine – Daily iPhone Photograph #56

It's amazing how fast a tree can grow. This tree is just barely 16 years old and it's a huge
part of our back yard.

Sunday, May 1, 2011