Once again falling behind again on posting the Daily iPhone images here.
#149 - Queen Anne's Lace.

#150 - Hi! I'm Ronnie.

#151 - CANDY! I dont' really, like this kind, but it's still candy.

#152 - Making supper.

#153 - Yup. I have too much stuff.

#154 - I wonder what`s inside?

#155 - iPhone zoom sucks. I guess it kind of looks a bit painterly.

#156 - I just thought this looked kind of interesting.

#157 - I'm stitting on the deck.

#158 - Not really sure what kind of tree or bush this is, but I've always felt it looked a bit odd here.

#159 -Homemade light show.

#160 - Ice cream cone from a box. It was still good.

#161 - A heart in the sky.

#162 - I'm on a boat in Halifax Harbour.
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