Thursday, March 31, 2011
BEDA - Blog Every Day in April - New Goal?
I have been hearing about this for a while now. Blog Every Day in April or BEDA. While this was not among the items on my initial list of goals for 2011, I figure I may as well add it on. This year is about me trying new things, doing things differently and pushing myself (slightly) beyond my comfort zones.
I already have my Daily iPhone Photograph project, which so far is going quite well. BEDA will be in addition to that. An actual blog post that involves a bit more than one sentence and a picture.
Now, I'm not promising anything spectacular or even coherent, but there will hopefully be something everyday for the month of April.
BEDA was created in April of 2009 by YA author Maureen Johnson. If you are interesting in more information about BEDA you can visit here.
I commit to this idea and am determined to create something EVERY DAY in April, including weekends. Every day, I will find something to say. I embrace the reality that there is always something to talk about, if you are willing to take the time to look for it.
I ____smg_____ promise to blog every day in April.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Lovely Sunshine – Daily iPhone Photograph #21
nova scotia,
I love YouTube. I'm sure I have mentioned this before. It's not just the abundance of cat videos. It's the unending amount of crazy talented people who share themselves with the world everyday.
This video showed up in my sub-box this afternoon. And while I toiled away making perf marks and checking expiry dates I decided to watch it.
This is almost exactly the advice I've been giving myself for almost a year now. Repeating it so that it becomes natural. A non stop internal monologue. Now I have this video to watch. To remind me.
This video showed up in my sub-box this afternoon. And while I toiled away making perf marks and checking expiry dates I decided to watch it.
This is almost exactly the advice I've been giving myself for almost a year now. Repeating it so that it becomes natural. A non stop internal monologue. Now I have this video to watch. To remind me.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
sounds of spring
It sounded like spring today. It smelled like spring today. It almost felt like spring today.
The day deserved a video.
The day deserved a video.
A Kitty Called Tiny – Daily iPhone Photograph #20
This is one of the three feral kittens (sisters) we feed. They are becoming tamer and less scared.
It is, however a long process that requires a lot of patients.
It is, however a long process that requires a lot of patients.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day of the Birds – Daily iPhone Photograph #19
Can you see them in the tree. The chirping and singing was load, as though there were hundreds of them. I'm glad they weren't angry.

Sunday, March 27, 2011
I Can See – Daily iPhone Photograph #18
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Warm – Daily iPhone Photograph #17
I've been sitting by the fire to try and warm up. Despite the fact that it is spring, it is freezing.

Friday, March 25, 2011
EARTH HOUR - 8.30pm Saturday March 26
Tomorrow night will mark my third Earth Hour. I'm not inclined to do anything special. I'm not exactly socially savvy. I plan on staying home and reading by a hand crank lantern we bought many years ago, just for occasions like this.
I hope you're planning on participating.
8.30 pm,
earth hour,
march 26,
Snow Prints – Daily iPhone Photograph #16
More spring snow. It's pretty, but really it's time for nature to wake up.
This was taken this morning. It snowed consistently until about noon. We ended up with 2 cm and it melted pretty quickly once it stopped snowing and the sun came out in force.
This was taken this morning. It snowed consistently until about noon. We ended up with 2 cm and it melted pretty quickly once it stopped snowing and the sun came out in force.

foot prints,
My First Friday Fill-In
I just discovered this this morning. Want to play along? Click the image. we go!
1. Why does it have to snow today.
2. 3500 calories is equal to one pound.
3. My favorite breakfast includes fruit.
4. An Abundance of Katherines was the last book I read by John Green.
5. I am SO glad to be able to work from home often.
6. A cup of tea would make me feel better right now.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to editing a new video, tomorrow my plans include reading and Sunday, I want to practice yoga!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Spring Snow – Daily iPhone Photograph #15
sun salutation,
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I Can't See the Full Moon – Daily iPhone Photograph #10
full moon,
super moon
The Only Thing I Saw All Day – Daily iPhone Photograph #9
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Goal #12 – Broadcast myself in video form
Since I discovered the breadth of the YouTube community, I have become obsessed with vlogs. I was unaware that they existed to the extent they do, until October 2010. I knew people uploaded videos and some people recorded themselves detailing their lives and goings on, but I was surprised to uncover how common this practice actually is.
My desire to create a vlog myself comes from my curiosity as to whether or not I could actually create one that is interesting and cohesive. It's kind of a challenge. One that I need to plan out a bit and get my head around. Until then I am more than happy to continue watching the YouTubers I enjoy and who inspire me (small list - there are still so many more):
Time is Flying – Daily iPhone Photograph #8
Where is the time going? The last few weeks have just flown by. I'm not complaining about getting through the bad weather part of the year quickly, but I don't like the feeling of losing time.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I Love Clouds – Daily iPhone Photograph #7
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Goals #10 & #11 – Visit the beach and other trips.
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Byron Bay's Blue Lagoon by TreeFaerie @ |
While I would love to say it would be a visit to a beach in Mexico, Fiji, Greece, classifying it as travel as well as visiting the beach, it won't be. It will be here in Nova Scotia somewhere. It might be an afternoon spent lounging in the sun, or a weekend trip to a beach resort in the province somewhere.
Which ever route I take, the goals are to return to a place I love (by the sea) and to take steps toward being comfortable traveling solo so I can take larger, more adventurous excursions.
Lelu Hates My Phone Camera – Daily iPhone Photograph #5
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Shhhhh...I'm Reading – Daily iPhone Photograph #4
maureen johnson,
suite scarlett,
the first of the spring rains
I'm so happy the seasons are in the midst of changing. Just one week from today will be the first official day of spring.
The journey from after Christmas and New Years until the thaw of spring is always a long one.
The journey from after Christmas and New Years until the thaw of spring is always a long one.
window screen,
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Movie Night – Daily iPhone Photograph #3
He-She and the Denim Cat-Nip Heart
Playing with the iPhone video I took of my boy He-She and a denim cat-nip heart:
Friday, March 11, 2011
Birthday Flowers
New video staring my one of my birthday bouquets.
Rain, Rain, Go Away – Daily iPhone Photograph #2
phone art,
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Goals #8 & #9 – Learning New Software Sucks.

Learning Adobe After Effects and relearning Adobe Flash (it was Macromedia Flash the last time I used it in any proficient way) is going to suck a bit. Once I get to know a program, no problem, but what can be a steep learning curve while I get use to the layout, workspace, pallets, even terms related to the software tends to make me feel as though my brains are going to leak out of my ears.

As for Flash, well, I opened it by accident last week. Does that count?
after effects,
motion graphics.
Goal #7 – I'll salute the sun tomorrow. I swear.
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Sun Salutation T-shirt graphic - |
Yeah, this one has been a fail thus far. I do really want to get back into doing yoga. It's just the getting off my ass and doing it part. No excuses, so tomorrow, I do a sun salutation.
sun salutation,
Goal #6 – Okay, I'm doing it already.
I don't know if I'm lazy or if I'm addicted to the high I get from the rush of adrenaline that happens while trying to complete something I should have started and finished yesterday. Whatever it is I seem to be living involuntarily by the motto:

It's nothing new. It seems to be something I've done my whole life. An unending loop of never doing things when I should. Will it change? I don't know. But I am going to make an effort.
Couldn't help but laugh when I found this Procrastination Flow Chart (I love flow charts):
flow chart,
Goal #5 – Pictures. Pictures. Pictures.
Originally when I started college I had set my sights on becoming a photographer.
Actually, let's back up a bit, because that's not an entirely true statement. Originally when I decided to attend college it was because I was tired, frustrated and a tad bored with the job I had at the time. I decided I needed to do something to change the direction of my life, but I didn't want to 1. be too committed to the choice I made and 2. would rather slit my wrists than do anything associated with business.
Through a bit of research and the recommendation of a coworker I decided on a course called ACAP (Applied Communication Arts Program). It was the foundation year for a few applied arts programs, one being photography and another being graphic design. Subjects for the ACAP year were hands on classes in things like illustration, photography and design. While I did well with the photography classes, I did better with design. It didn't take me long to decide that I was going to continue into graphic design.
While I concentrated on graphic design, I never left photography far behind. For the first while anyway. Over the last few years I haven't spent much time or put much effort into the hobby I once enjoyed. So, it's time for me to take it up again.
And yes, I did photograph those vintage cameras that you see above. Our house has always been full of cameras.
applied communication arts program,
Goal #4 – My world as seen through a phone... phone of course. It will be the one camera I should have with me at all times. Well aside from those times that I leave it plugged in charging somewhere, or have forgotten to charge it and it's lying dead at the bottom of my purse.
Plus, it gives me a reason to play with some of the photography apps I've downloaded. Yeah, maybe that won't be such a good idea all the time.
Here's the first Daily iPhone Photograph. It's of my beautiful birthday flowers. The ones in the front came from my wonderful friend jjs (What I know at 38) and the ones in the back are from my boss.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Goal #3 – Become a YouTuber (kind of)
I have watched YouTube for a very long time. After all, I am a cat lady, and YouTube is the hub of cat related video entertainment.
Somehow, however, I managed to completely miss the community that is YouTube. I have been slowly uncovering this over the last few months, and have found myself addicted.
While I may never create an entertaining skit, or do a parody of a popular song (believe me, you don't want to hear me sing), I may one day do a vlog. Until that day I am content to create videos related to what's around me in an attempt to capture this year.
I'm not saying I'm any good at this, or that my videos are all that entertaining, but I enjoy making them. And, as I go not only am I teaching myself about video production, I'm also learning about myself.
My YouTube channel:
First Video:
Favourite Video:
Most Recent Video:
Somehow, however, I managed to completely miss the community that is YouTube. I have been slowly uncovering this over the last few months, and have found myself addicted.
While I may never create an entertaining skit, or do a parody of a popular song (believe me, you don't want to hear me sing), I may one day do a vlog. Until that day I am content to create videos related to what's around me in an attempt to capture this year.
I'm not saying I'm any good at this, or that my videos are all that entertaining, but I enjoy making them. And, as I go not only am I teaching myself about video production, I'm also learning about myself.
My YouTube channel:
First Video:
Favourite Video:
Most Recent Video:
Goal #2 – Animation!
I have always had a deep seeded desire to make a drawing move. I loved watching it on TV when I was a child. Those flat, repetitive scenes amazed me. As an adult, I sit, captivated at how real that eye looks or that fur looks or the angle the scene was created at. It's all moving illustrations and I have often found myself confounded with how it's done.
To learn how it's done, I have to begin at the very bottom, and I have to teach myself. So, I've started with something I know. Photoshop. It's not a powerful animation tool, but it is the simplest place for me to start.
So far I have created two very simple animations, but I intend to continue. Maybe soon I'll actually make that bouncing ball I as thinking of.
Goal #1 – Read More
I have a confession. While I may possess a grand imagination that allows me to see in great detail the finer points of tales read, I tend to read too little.
I love books. I always have. I love the look of the paper and the text, the texture and the weight of the bindings, the way these miniture, portals to other worlds look sitting all grouped together on shelves. I love to page through books admiring the silkiness of the paper or the serifs on the fonts. I love the ideas, the knowledge and the far fetched tails that are contained between the carefully laid out designs of the covers. But, I only (at best) like to read.
I don't know what it is. I love the book itself, but not necessarily the actual purpose for which it was intended.
Now, don't get me wrong. I have always read, just not a lot in the form of novels. I can say I have always had a book on the go. As in I've been reading the same book for 3 years or more. More often than not I will pick up a book laying around the house and read a couple of chapters, just to set it down and to never see hide nor hair of that book again.
I have gotten caught up in a few books here and there. Finishing a 300 page book in 2 days. I'm always impressed with myself when this happens. Unfortunately these instances are always few and far between.
In early Dec (2010) after just seeing the first instalment of the last ever Harry Potter movie (for the second time) I decided that I needed to have the entire series read before the finial piece of the saga unfolded in front of me in film form. I just felt I needed to have that experience. You know, the one where you have completely invisioned how something will play out, and then boom, the film makers decided they didn't need that piece of the tale.
Now, truth be told, I had always felt a little silly about being a grown adult reading books intended for 9-12 year olds. But hey, all the cool kids are doing it, right?
So, I stared reading. I did own 3 of the 7 books already, having only worked my way through the first book and only about a third of the way through the second book. And this was a few years ago.
Through out December I made my way through (1)“The Philosopher's Stone”, (2)“The Chamber of Secrets”, (3)“The Prison of Azkaban” and (4)“The Goblit of Fire” (finishing #4 on New Years Eve). By this point reading instead of constantly refreshing facebook or watching endless YouTube vlogs had become part of my routine. So I decided that I should continue this new nightly habit long after I learned the last of the secrets of the Deathly Hallows.
At first I was going to have a minimum amount of pages per day. Then it was a minimum amount of time. But really, I think just to continue my mental voyage through the words of others is good enough. Maybe I'll complete the 50 book challange I have seen on other peoples blogs. Time will tell.
harry potter,
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A New Year Starts Every Day...
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"Time for a fresh start" by James Oconnell @ |
I have been meaning to write this post for just over three months now. Yes, it was suppose to be a New Years post about my “goals” for 2011. I had made a few lame attempts at starting it, but they never went very far. Was it because I'm a hopeless procrastinator? Or maybe the fact the my mind can be so scrambled I have a hard time organizing my thoughts into cohesive strings of text? It could be. But to be honest, I'm not one for making “New Years Resolutions”. It just hasn't been something I have really done in my life. But, I thought maybe it would be a good way to start of the year for this blog. After all I haven't actually been making any real effort with it yet, and that is something I want to do. I kept putting the process off, making little excuses for myself. Then it just seemed irrelevant.
So much time had past since the year started, but my birthday was coming up. Bright Idea – Birthday Year Goals. What I would strive to achieve between birthday 2011 and birthday 2012. Well, my birthday came and went and I still put off sitting down and gathering my thoughts.
No more. Here I am. And here's the list:
- Read More – I mean novels. Not more blogs, not magazines, not the back of the cereal box.
- Try my hand at animation in some from. Learning to make a ball bounce is a good start.
- Make a video a week and post to YouTube. This could be the weather, the cats, anything.
- Capture an image of something everyday with the camera on my iPhone. The sky, a tree, probably a cat. Anything at all. Post it to this blog. Possibly through Daily Booth.
- Take more pictures in general. I have cameras. I should use them.
- Procrastinate less. Just damn well do it. This blog, case in point.
- Do at least one sun salutation a day. I learned yoga, so I should use it!
- Learn to use Adobe After Effects. Motion graphics! It's the future of graphic design, right?
- Relearn Flash. This also relates to #2.
- Travel. I have to do this one alone, so I need to start small. It could be a weekend trip to White Point.
- Go to the beach. Stand at the edge of the Atlantic ocean for the first time in 20 years.
- Create an actual vlog and post it before my birthday 2012.
- Use the dollar store canvases I purchased years ago. After completing each painting, photograph and then donate each to the Salvation Army.
- Lose weight, get healthy, eat better, move more. Vlog about it?
- Be present in each moment. Appreciate everything.
- Blog at least once a week. Capture this year, here, on this blog. In words, in pictures, in video.
This list isn't really in a particular order. Just how it came out. I've probably missed a few things I hope to do, but that's okay. I have to learn to embrace change as well.
lose weight,
new year,
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