I'm not an avid TV watcher. I'm a passive TV watcher. Whatever someone else has on I watch. If they leave I will find something that may interest me, but I won't necessarily watch it. I will leave the television on as a filler; background noise for the house. Most people would use music for this, but I use the television.
That being said there is one show I try to watch every Tuesday night. The Biggest Loser. I honestly did not watch the first two seasons of the show. When it initially came on it seemed like it was going to be a show that was degrading to the contestants. However, over the years it has changed and I believe it is now a truly inspirational show for people who want to lose weight and achieve other goals in their lives.
I tend to get a tad emotional when watching the back stories of the contestants, and admittedly I have surcomed to tears during eliminations. I love watching the adventures they have when they travel (they're in New Zealand tonight) and I do my best to pick up tips when watching the cooking segments.
My least favourite part of the show is the essence of what the show is - the game play. I know the whole season is a contest to win $250,000, but I just want to see them all succeed. Somehow seeing their success makes me feel I will someday have my own success in this area of my life.
But that in itself is it's own blog post.
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