I've been very uninspired lately. I'm a creative person. I always have been. Lately, I just can't get out of my own way to let the creativity flow. What I've been doing instead is looking at stuff I've done in the past. I don't know why. I only see what I dislike about the pieces, but some of it does bring back memories.
Some of the pieces I've come across are the scanned prints from photography projects from college. They are nothing special really. More than snap shots but definitely not professional photographs.
These photos mean a lot to me. They are the first photographs I ever took using an SLR camera. They were the only times I used black and white film. They were the only times I processed my own film and made my own prints. There was a craft in creating them, none of which involved using the computer. It was all created in camera and in the darkroom.
I loved the process. I spent hours in the darkroom. Too bad none of my photographs turned out like I actually envisioned.
I considered going into photography rather than design, but in the end I was a better designer than photographer, so my time in the dark room ended there.
This is a very insightful post. It's always interesting to look back at things from the past, but, as you said, it can sometimes only result in us wishing that we had done something differently. I think that it's an important step in learning to look back. :)