Yes, this is a post combining two of the projects I have going on. BEDA and my Daily iPhone Photographs. It's late, I'm tired and it just seemed like the right thing to do.
I'm reading a double novel right now that contains both
The Time Machine and
The War of the Worlds each written by H. G. Wells.
I had read
The Time Machine previously, however I had somehow never gotten around to reading
The War of the Worlds. This actually is a bit bothersome to me as the book I'm am reading from was published in 1968 and has been hanging around this house for as long as I can remember.
It's also a surprise to me because
The War of the Worlds seems to have always been apart of my life. It's one of those things that I have always just seemed to known, like I had been born with the knowledge.
When I was younger I was kind of confused as to what the actual original version was. For a very long time I thought the radio broadcast by Orson Wells in 1938 was where it started. I was very confused the first time I saw a play on TV of H.G. Wells original version. While I had never thought of the story being based on anything
modern, that version just seemed too
Victorian to be where it all started.
Now, as someone who loves movies I had always felt that I would enjoy seeing this version made into a film. I have seem most of the 1953 version, which of course was adapted for that time. And then we have the 2005 version which I didn't love, but I didn't hate. I certainly could re-watch it. But again, it was adapted to fit into the time period it was being produced in. These are only two accounts of my many brushes with this sci-fi tale. So many more than I could every recount or remember.
Today, I found out that there actually was a film made using the novel as it base. It was made in 2008, directed by Timothy Hines. I had never heard of it before, nor seen it for purchase or rent anywhere. It's actually not even available on NetFlix Canada. It does claim to be faithful to the classic H.G. Wells novel. It doesn't, however, seem to have gotten very good reviews.
As of right now I haven't been dedicating my time and energy to finishing the novel. I've only been doing a couple of chapters a day, and they are short chapters. I will finish the book soon enough, and when I do, I think I'll go look for the 2008 movie version, and see what
I think.