Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Feral Kitties

iPhone video I took while I was outside trying to get closer to the feral kittens.

We're getting closer everyday!

Triple C – Daily iPhone Photograph #50

This is kind of a mile stone with the Daily iPhone Photos, Number 50!

Today I chose three kitty images that aren't related. Usually when I use two images they were taken during the same few moments. These were all taken at different times, but I loved all of them, so here they are.

The first is our old girl Mystic in her window bed. The second is an old stray we call Smokey. He comes and disappears in just like smoke. Plus he's grey. The third is one of the ferals, Patch.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beads – Daily iPhone Photograph #49

A little beaded chandelier that I have in my room. I only put it up this past weekend
despite having it for about 8 years.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Drops – Daily iPhone Photograph #48

Water drops on the handle of my orange (I know it kind of looks red here) car.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Three Little Kittens – Daily iPhone Photograph #47

Yet another cat photo. The three ferals at their home tree where we feed them.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Cloud – Daily iPhone Photograph #46

It was actually a beautiful, warm day today. While out enjoying the warmth from the sunshine,
I captured this shot of a lone cloud.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kitty Blur – Daily iPhone Photograph #45

The feral kitten we call Tiny. I got a bit too close, and she turned to run.

Friday, April 22, 2011

BEDA 22 – Still tired.

I'm still so tired. I feels as though I didn't sleep at all last night.

I spent today reading. Just reading. Maybe if I had of actually exerted myself I'd have felt a little more energized today. But instead I feel asleep three quarters of the way though Narnia.

Now I'm just off to bed. So sad.

Cool and Clear – Daily iPhone Photograph #44

The cool and clear spring sky.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

BEDA 21 – Sleepy.

Bedtime 2 by ddrccl @
I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.

I've worked my way through these last few days in a fog. I'm hoping a good nights sleep will lift it and maybe I'll have a productive weekend.

Fingers crossed.

Before the Rain – Daily iPhone Photograph #43

Taken on my commute home, just before the rain started.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

BEDA 20 – I've cracked my teeth.

Dentures by fugue @
My day started off with my lovely bi-yearly trip to the dentist. 

Now, I don't mind going to the dentist. I don't like it, but it's not a horrible experience. I take pretty good care of my teeth and haven't had a cavity in years. I am however a grinder and a clencher. I should have a bite plain, but I don't. That apparently is a problem.

I turns out that I have cracked two off my teeth.

I've been having some pretty bad sensitivity issues with one of my bottom and one of my top teeth on the left side. I put off going to get it checked out because I had an appointment coming up, but it's been painful. I feared a cavity, but thought that maybe it was just the exposed roots. (I have a lot of exposed roots, as I used to brush for very long periods of time with great force. Ruined my gums with my zeal to be plaque free.)

Alas, after the dentist examined my x-rays and did a bite test, she's pretty sure I have cracked my teeth under the fillings that are in those two and that's the root (pun not intended) of the problem.

So, yay me, I get to look forward to the Novocain needle in June.

Oh joy.

Polly Want a Cracker? – Daily iPhone Photograph #42

I ate more than one, but I didn't enjoy them.

Oh, and my fingernail isn't dirty, despite the line of dirt it looks like I have in the photo.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

BEDA 19 – I need to join a book club.

I finally finished The War of the Worlds on the weekend. I honestly did not think I was ever going to make it though. Such a short book, but it felt like it went on forever.

To treat myself I followed it up with John Green`s Bad Zombie Apocalypse Novella Zombicorn (really it`s not that bad, I don`t understand why he keeps calling it that), which I finished that same afternoon. I felt redeemed as it had taken 16 day to read TWOTW (154 pages) and just part of an afternoon to read Zombicorns (72 pages). So, the question was, what should I follow it up with?

I choose Across the Universe by Beth Revis. I had seen a vlog about it a few weeks ago and the person really seemed to like it. Then I read a blog or two in which it also received good reviews. Yes it is a YA novel. Yes those reviews were by young adults. I've learned over the last few months I prefer YA novels.

Reading this book is the first time that I have ever wished that I was a member of a book club. I'm enjoying the read and as I go along I think I'm figuring out where the story is going. I want to discuss this with someone. But I can't. The people I'm around on a regular basis most likely will want to read this and I don't want to ruin it for them. I'm so frustrated with not being able to talk about it. I've actually never wanted to discuss the plot line of a book while I'm in the process of reading it. It's a strange kind of frustration for me. A frustration I'm just going to have to deal with.

I also have to say I love the cover. I'm always awed by the colours of universe that the Hubble Telescope captures. And while this artwork may not have been inspired by those images, that's the feel I get from it.

Eyeballs! – Daily iPhone Photograph #41

I love my eyeball bracelet. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

BEDA 18 – LOST: One Personality, If found please call 1-800...

This is a self portrait I made as a college assignment back in 2004. It is a digital illustration made out of type. I remember having a great deal of difficulty completing this assignment. It wasn't the first assignment I had a hard time with, but I swear it was the one that garnered the most negative emotions from me.

I look at it and see a physical likeness to me. I see my dark eyes, my (formally) thick eyebrows, my pudgy nose, tight lips and fat face. What I don't see is a representation of my personality. I find that frustrating and depressing.

This was an assignment that should have been made for me. I love type. I love fonts. I collected fonts long before I went to college to become a graphic designer. I love descenders and ascenders, serfs and spurs, the curves of loops, bowls and shoulders, and the finite lines of stems and cross bars. You'd think that with such admiration for for the medium we use to to non verbally communicate with each other I would have been able to dive into this assignment and create something I could be proud of. But no.

I knowe that the problem that hindered my ability to translate my likeness into an artistic representation of myself is that I lacked a true sense of self. To be honest, I don't think I know any more of who I really am today than I did back then. It's a scary thought. One that I've been facing this year. One that's changing.

Looking at the image reminds me why I have been trying to step outside my self imposed box, why I am trying to do things I don't normally do. Why, for the first time in my life I've set goals – small ones, but they count.

Canned (fake) Sugar – Daily iPhone Photograph #40

I probably drink too much of it. To make it worse, it's the diet kind.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Stray – Daily iPhone Photograph #39

Doesn't she look happy? This is one of the feral kittens that live in the area and shows up everyday to be fed. We call this one Patch. Her and her sister (whom we call Tiny - because she is the smallest), look a lot a like, but Patch has a patch of light fur on her head. We're getting closer to them daily.

I know I've been heavy on the kitty pictures lately, but really, they are the most interesting part
of my sad little life.

BEDA 17 – Old Photographs

I've been very uninspired lately. I'm a creative person. I always have been. Lately, I just can't get out of my own way to let the creativity flow. What I've been doing instead is looking at stuff I've done in the past. I don't know why. I only see what I dislike about the pieces, but some of it does bring back memories.

Some of the pieces I've come across are the scanned prints from photography projects from college. They are nothing special really. More than snap shots but definitely not professional photographs.

These photos mean a lot to me. They are the first photographs I ever took using an SLR camera. They were the only times I used black and white film. They were the only times I processed my own film and made my own prints. There was a craft in creating them, none of which involved using the computer. It was all created in camera and in the darkroom.

I loved the process. I spent hours in the darkroom. Too bad none of my photographs turned out like I actually envisioned.

I considered going into photography rather than design, but in the end I was a better designer than photographer, so my time in the dark room ended there.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Digital – Daily iPhone Photograph #38

Can you guess?


I love science fiction and fantasy movies. (I know that they are actually two distinct categories, but I do tend to group them together in my mind.)

Tonight I finally saw TRON: Legacy.

I unfortunately didn't get to see it when in was in theaters. And this is the kind of movie I love to see in theaters. I tend to pay a lot of attention to the cinematography, graphics, effects and sound. As long as a movie is nice to look at, I can let the story line slip. Well a little bit anyway.

This movie looked great and sounded even better and actually to story wasn't too bad. I enjoyed it. I'll watch it again. It's not a master piece, but it was fun.

Now I just have to go find the original 1981 version. I have seen it many times, but really can't piece it all together right now.

Friday, April 15, 2011

BEDA 15 – The Doctor was a Grandpa

I lead a pretty boring life. As witnessed this evening by my viewing of extremely old episodes of Doctor Who on Netflix.

When I say old, I mean black-and-white-first-incarnation-of-The-Doctor-old.
Very old.

Unfortunately Netflix Canada doesn't have any of the 2005 to present episodes of the show yet. Oh well, maybe the black and white isn't so bad. But the acting is a little painful.

Quiet – Daily iPhone Photograph #37

Mystic finally settled down and stopped meowing at the top of her lungs.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

BEDA 14 – Possible Futures Film Contest

Possibilities abound. I guess they always do. It's just not always easy to find them.

To my great surprise, twice in less than 10 days I've come across an opportunity to compete in the medium of film without having to have any actual experience doing so.

Last week I wrote about my discovery of the Disposable Film Festival and it's call for films made using unconventional film making tools.

Well, I have now come across the Possible Futures Film Contest. First I somehow came across their fan page on Facebook, however at the time I really didn't get a chance to check out what it was about. I liked the page and then just went about what I had been doing. Yesterday, I was stunned to discover that the Possible Futures Film Contest has started following me on Twitter. Of course then, I had to check them out.

I've been thrilled to discover that this is something close to my heart. These words taken from the home page of their site speak volumes to me:

Envision a new, positive, possible future for the world. One that is environmentally sustainable, socially just, peaceful and spiritually fulfilling.

These are all the things I'm trying to move my life toward.

Not only is this a Film Contest focusing on such grand ideas, but they have opened it up to everyone. From never made a film before to professional filmmakers.

The hard part of course is the idea. I'm not a great story teller. Anyone have any ideas?

Purple Laundry – Daily iPhone Photograph #36

First load of laundry to make it to the clothes line this year.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

BEDA 13 – Daylight

sunset by merlijn72 @ sxc,hu

The days are getting longer and longer everyday. It was still bright at 7.30 pm and around 9 pm I could still see a hint of the daytime blue in the sky. Just a hint, but it was there.

My favourite thing about mid to late Spring/Summer/early Fall is all the hours of daylight. And of course the further north you go, the longer the days are. Someday I'm going to go North (destination unknown as of yet) and enjoy the endless hours of summer sunlight.

Purple Furry – Daily iPhone Photograph #35

It could be shag carpet, but it's not.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

BEDA 12 – Tuesday Night TV

I'm not an avid TV watcher. I'm a passive TV watcher. Whatever someone else has on I watch. If they leave I will find something that may interest me, but I won't necessarily watch it. I will leave the television on as a filler; background noise for the house. Most people would use music for this, but I use the television.

That being said there is one show I try to watch every Tuesday night. The Biggest Loser. I honestly did not watch the first two seasons of the show. When it initially came on it seemed like it was going to be a show that was degrading to the contestants. However, over the years it has changed and I believe it is now a truly inspirational show for people who want to lose weight and achieve other goals in their lives.

I tend to get a tad emotional when watching the back stories of the contestants, and admittedly I have surcomed to tears during eliminations. I love watching the adventures they have when they travel (they're in New Zealand tonight) and I do my best to pick up tips when watching the cooking segments.

My least favourite part of the show is the essence of what the show is - the game play. I know the whole season is a contest to win $250,000, but I just want to see them all succeed. Somehow seeing their success makes me feel I will someday have my own success in this area of my life.

But that in itself is it's own blog post.

Today – Daily iPhone Photograph #34

In case anyone didn't know, today is the 12th.

Monday, April 11, 2011

BEDA 11 – Reading Troubles

Martianscape by varagus @
I don't know what it is about reading The War of the Worlds but I am having a hard time getting through it. It's a very short book with only 154 pages. As of right now I have only made my way through 90 of those pages. Very sad slow progress.

I constantly find myself reading the same paragraph, sometimes the same sentence over and over again. As I'm reading I find I am having a hard time grasping the details of the story. I don't know if it's that I am bored with the tale or if it's because the structure of the writing is a tad more formal than what I have been reading recently. For the last five months I've been reading nothing but YA novels. YA novel's that for the most part have been written in the last decade. TWOFW however is a novel written over a hundred years ago, and it shows it's age.

I have just over 60 pages left to go, something easy to achieve in one evening. Here's hoping that tomorrow night I can finish and move on to something new.

Green – Daily iPhone Photograph #33

Keeping the inside air clean.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

BEDA 10 – Beautiful Day Doing Nothing

The weather was great today. Sunny with just a few clouds in the sky and 18°C. 

For the first time this year I was able to sitt on the back deck and read. Aside from that I did very little else. I tried to shoot some video, take a few pictures and paint. Non of it turned out how I had envisioned so I put each project aside and tried to enjoy my book.

Colourful He-She – Daily iPhone Photograph #32

Poor He-She is trying to sleep, but I've chosen him for my subject today. Really only because I'm in bed, and he's sleeping next to me. Easy target.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

BEDA 9 – Good Company, Bad Movie

Fact 1:  I love going to the theater to see movies.
Fact 2:  I'm easily scared.
Fact 3:  Even when the film is crappy, if you have good company it's tolerable.

So, I went to see Insidious tonight. I went with a friend whom I haven't seen in a few weeks. We had high hopes for the film and were looking forward to going. We were also looking forward to catching up with each other, which was good because that was the highlight of the evening.

The film started off creepy enough and did provide a few jump and scream fright moments, but it didn't take too long before it became cheesy and cheap looking. The film makers kept using different lighting, different colour filters and different film textures in different scenes. They didn't feel consistent and I found them very obvious. Another cheep aspect of the film were the ghosts/demons characters. To me they just looked like bought-at-the-costume-shop halloween get-ups. As I said before I scare easily, however aside from a few jumps I wasn't as scared/creeped-out/uneasy as I thought I would be.

Over all I don't think the story held up well, the effects could have been better and the costume department failed horribly.

One thing I do like about the film, the movie poster. It delivers on the creep factor.

Static – Daily iPhone Photograph #31

Sitting in a drive-thru listening to the static on my broken car radio.

Lelu is Little Miss Twitchy Whiskers

I am easily entertained by our kitties and this is one of the things that makes me laugh every time I see it. If I make a kissy (don't know what else to call it) noise while she is close to me, she will twitch her whiskers. I find this incredibly funny:

Friday, April 8, 2011

BEDA 8 – iPhone Photos 2010

I'm not really a cell phone user. I rarely make calls and I text even less. So, last year when I upgraded my three year old phone I really didn't need to invest in an iPhone, but I couldn't resist.

The only reason I even upgraded my phone was because Bell sent me a text message telling me that I could get an iPhone for $50. Fifty dollars. Really, who could resist that? No one. It was only because they were old models they were trying to sell off before the 4Gs came out, but to me that made it all the better. Cheap and oh so useful.

The aspects of the phone that I love so much have nothing to do with it being a phone at all. A still camera, a video camera, a music player, a mini gaming device and portable internet.

The camera feature is the one I have used the most. Long before I began my Daily iPhone Photograph project I was consistently using the phone camera as opposed to any of my regular cameras. I also love the photography apps and have put a few to good use.

Above are 4 of the images from last year that I kept. I have a habit taking an image, editing it and deleting it. I don't know why I kept those in particular. I guess I saw something interesting in them.

Pop Art Mystic – Daily iPhone Photograph #30

Our old girl Mystic. She'll be 15 this June. She's not a cooperative as Lelu when it comes to photos.

Friday Fill-Ins #3 we go!

1. In the near darkness _there needs to be more light_.

2. _Life's on hold_ til further notice.

3. But this _isn't how I though it would be_.

4. _Wade_ in the stream.

5. It's always nice _to have something to look forward to_.

6. _Tea_ and pleasant company.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going home_, tomorrow my plans include _going to see a movie_ and Sunday, I want to _catch up on sleep_!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

BEDA 7 – Fill in the Blanks

Notebook illustration by ilco @
I knew when I decided to take part in BEDA this day would come. A day when I just couldn't think of anything to write. I however, did not expect it to happen one week in. I would have thought maybe halfway through. But no, here I am, seven days on and I'm stumped.

Puuurrrrrrr – Daily iPhone Photograph #29

Calm, snuggled up in my lap, purring. Treasured moments.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BEDA 6 – The Disposable Film Festival

I have always wanted to make a movie.

I have thought about this a lot. I'm not sure if I just want to be involved in the film industry, or if I actually want to be an important part in the creation of a film. Director, producer, snack table attendant. Would that last one be craft services lackey?

It's a desire that I have always assumed I would never full fill. Until recently. A week or so ago I somehow stumbled upon The Disposable Film Festival.

The whole concept of this festival is that it showcases films that have been created on things like flip cams, point-and-shot camera, even webcams. You just need an solid idea that uses the medium in a unique and interesting way. It's about the talent and not the tool. And some of the filmmakers have so much talent. Check out the 2010 winner:

With the discovery of this little film festival I have let myself consider the possibility that I might be able to come up with an idea that I could execute and submit. It's an idea.


Trees and Sky – Daily iPhone Photograph #28

The sky and trees looked far more winter like than spring like this evening.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

BEDA 5 - Making Motion, Part 2

When I was asked to take on the Motion Graphics project, I have to say I was worried. It excited me, but scared me. Now, most people would say that that is the correct combination of emotions for pushing yourself, learning new things and challenging yourself. My normal reaction to this sort of situation is "Oh God no, I can't do this" at which point I pull myself out and allow someone else who has more confidence in their abilities take my place.

This time, I decided it was a sign (I'm a big believer in signs). It's a project that fit with the direction I want to go. Granted I did not feel ready and had my doubts that I could complete anything that would be showable, but in the end my bosses seem very happy with what I was able to produce in such a short period of time.

So, today I breathed a sigh of relief and for the first time in a very long time I actually feel good about my abilities and what I can achieve when I push myself.

The Cake Is Not A Lie – Daily iPhone Photograph #27

At least my cake isn't:

I guess this was a bit inspired by watching Hank Green play Portal (click here) on YouTube.

Monday, April 4, 2011

BEDA 4 - Making Motion

Actually, not so much making things move as using software to create the illusion of movement.
I have been pushed to go a bit beyond my comfort zone, and knowledge, when it comes to motion graphics. I have spent the majority of my waking hours today trying to force the movement of flat images of desserts and pizzas around a screen. Sounds easy; not really.

I have definitely learned somethings today, not the least of which is I really have to dedicate more time to improving my skills. Before I scratch my own eyes out in frustration.

Signs of Spring – Daily iPhone Photograph #26

The crocuses are coming up! Spring is trying very hard to arrive.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

BEDA 3 - Classic Sci-Fi - Daily iPhone Photograph #25

Yes, this is a post combining two of the projects I have going on. BEDA and my Daily iPhone Photographs. It's late, I'm tired and it just seemed like the right thing to do.

I'm reading a double novel right now that contains both The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds each written by H. G. Wells.

I had read The Time Machine previously, however I had somehow never gotten around to reading The War of the Worlds. This actually is a bit bothersome to me as the book I'm am reading from was published in 1968 and has been hanging around this house for as long as I can remember.

It's also a surprise to me because The War of the Worlds seems to have always been apart of my life. It's one of those things that I have always just seemed to known, like I had been born with the knowledge.

When I was younger I was kind of confused as to what the actual original version was. For a very long time I thought the radio broadcast by Orson Wells in 1938 was where it started. I was very confused the first time I saw a  play on TV of  H.G. Wells original version. While I had never thought of the story being based on anything modern, that version just seemed too Victorian to be where it all started.

Now, as someone who loves movies I had always felt that I would enjoy seeing this version made into a film. I have seem most of the 1953 version, which of course was adapted for that time. And then we have the 2005 version which I didn't love, but I didn't hate. I certainly could re-watch it. But again, it was adapted to fit into the time period it was being produced in. These are only two accounts of my many brushes with this sci-fi tale. So many more than I could every recount or remember.

Today, I found out that there actually was a film made using the novel as it base. It was made in 2008, directed by Timothy Hines. I had never heard of it before, nor seen it for purchase or rent anywhere. It's actually not even available on NetFlix Canada. It does claim to be faithful to the classic H.G. Wells novel. It doesn't, however, seem to have gotten very good reviews.

As of right now I haven't been dedicating my time and energy to finishing the novel. I've only been doing a couple of chapters a day, and they are short chapters. I will finish the book soon enough, and when I do, I think I'll go look for the 2008 movie version, and see what I think.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

BEDA 2 - Unwell Saturdays

I haven't been feeling well today.

I find that this is a common thing on Saturdays. It's almost as though I save up all of my stress from the week and then let it go all at once. Usually headaches, upset stomachs and just generally feeling unwell.

It's a trend I'd like to break. It sucks spending at least half the weekend concerned and complaining about my head or stomach instead of out exploring.

Motion Blur! - Daily iPhone Photograph #24

Maybe I'm a bit too old to slide across the kitchen floor in my sock feet, but that doesn't
mean it's not fun.

Friday, April 1, 2011

BEDA 1 - Alex and Luke Travel

I love watching travel vlogs. I prefer the unpolished videos of real people telling their stories
about travel far more than any travel show that you can find on television. I'm always on the lookout for new ones. Particularly ones made by Canadians.

Somehow today, I was lucky enough to stumble across the blog/website (here) for two
friends named Alex and Luke.

In late 2009 the duo planned a cross-continental road trip that would take them to every
province in Canada and every State in the US (except Hawaii) all in Luke's VW Golf.
Thoughout their journey they took direction from the audience following their travels on
various social media websites. They went where their audience directed and ate where
their viewers suggested. They put the destiny of their travels in the hands of people they
did not know, trusting them to not steer them wrong. Brave souls.

I've spent the evening going through various posts and videos, becoming inspired and
 forming (weak, for the time being) ideas of my own travel adventure someday.

If you enjoy seeing the sites of Canada and the US through someone else's eyes check
them out.

Their latest video (part of a new project) has them in Aurora Village, Yellowknife. Despite
me hating the cold, someday I would love to see the north of my beautiful home country
and this is one of the places I want to visit.

Jammie Pants! - Daily iPhone Photograph #23

Nothing like a warm pair of pjs to wear on a cold and snowy (really mother nature, really?)
April evening.

March 2011 iPhone Photographs

Collage of my March 2011 iPhone photographs.

Friday Fill-Ins #2 we go! 

1. I can't believe _it's the first of April already_.

2. _Ice Cream_ for everyone.

3. How can I _keep the momentum going_.

4. _Egg with avocado and tomato_ was the last thing I cooked. 

5. Six of one _,half a dozen of another is a cop-out. Make a choice, damn it_.

6. _It's raining_; nonono!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _playing with my camera_, tomorrow my plans include _more of the same_ and Sunday, I want to _read_!