Thursday, March 31, 2011

BEDA - Blog Every Day in April - New Goal?

I have been hearing about this for a while now. Blog Every Day in April or BEDA. While this was not among the items on my initial list of goals for 2011, I figure I may as well add it on. This year is about me trying new things, doing things differently and pushing myself (slightly) beyond my comfort zones.

I already have my Daily iPhone Photograph project, which so far is going quite well. BEDA will be in addition to that. An actual blog post that involves a bit more than one sentence and a picture.

Now, I'm not promising anything spectacular or even coherent, but there will hopefully be something everyday for the month of April.

BEDA was created in April of 2009 by YA author Maureen Johnson. If you are interesting in more information about BEDA you can visit here.



I commit to this idea and am determined to create something EVERY DAY in April, including weekends. Every day, I will find something to say. I embrace the reality that there is always something to talk about, if you are willing to take the time to look for it.

I ____smg_____ promise to blog every day in April.



  1. good luck with it. it's doable. I've blogged every day for the past 5 years at least in one blog or another. I have 2 daily blogs and a few more occasional ones.

  2. I think the internet ate my comment.

    Good luck for daily for April.

    It's certainly doable. I've blogged daily at a couple blogs for a few years.
